Thursday, August 1, 2013

Health & Fitness

Health & Fitness

  At first glance, this should probably be found on the Laugh page, rather than here.  My last weigh-in was 280 lbs. which, even for my 6'3" frame, is way too much weight.  I don't really know my exact weight as of this writing, but I had recently (in the Spring) lost down to 260..and thought I was heading in a downward (and more healthy) spiral.  My ultimate goal is to weigh in at 200 lbs. or less.  But I do not dare set my sights on that goal just yet-- there are a lot of much smaller marks to hit first.

  I saw the pics that came back from our bicycle trip in Virginia, and I must admit, I look horribleI had a great time on the trip.  It was exhausting for me -- 17 miles -- even though it was mostly downhill.. still.. it was tough.  

  I guess that I'm just not tough enough on myself.  Part of it is definitely my diet.  I eat too much.  And too much of the wrong things.  I have almost cut out french fries entirely, which 

has been one of my downfalls.  The others are bread and soft drinks.  I absolutely
 love Cheerwine.  For those of you who don't know, it's a locally made soft drink -- which is now being marketed nationwide.  It's in several states, and they plan to be in all 50 states by 2017.  But I've always loved the taste of it.  And it's hard not to drink it..  or Coke.. or any other soft drink.  I have been trying though.. and it involves drinking a lot more H2O.. water.

   I'm also exercising some.. that's about the BEST that I can say for myself.  It's certainly not an everyday affair, but I'm playing basketball at least twice a week, and walking occasionally.  It's just not enough.  I was in a program at the "Y" recently called 60 Days to a Better You, and I'm sorry.. I just have not followed through with it to the best of my ability.Sometimes I use others as an excuse.  I always like to exercise with a partner, but then, the down side is that most often, that partner is either eons ahead or behind your own level.   I remember taking tennis lessons years ago.  We only had two people sign up for the lessons with a local tennis coach, and the other guy was so bad, he could usually only hit a ball or two before he wouldknock one out of the park {over the fence}.  Probably a good baseball player!   Usually it's the other way around.  I'm usually huffing and puffing behind the other person, asking them to hold up and wait for me to catch up.  So-- it's probably better if I can discipline myself to exercise alone-- at least for the present.

  I've only had one comment on my entire Blog so far.. which is sorta surprising, considering how much I've spoken of it on my Facebook page and other places.  But one place that I could really use some encouragement is in this department.. it's been a long time since I was even close to having what I consider a fit or healthy body.  But I think that it's important.  And I want to be committed to it, even though it definitely looks like I'm not.

  So people.. help me out.. let's see some encouraging words here.. thanks Bob =)

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